Rising Tide Performance Handheld Frother
“This frother has been the ultimate game-changer for me. I use this for everything from lattes, greens powders, and cooking. The stand that comes with it looks great and is perfect for storing.” - Rising Tide Customer
Rising Tide's Story
At Rising Tide, we are a group of outdoor adventure seekers that set out to create products that helped us stay on our game in a fast paced world. We discovered the benefits of adaptogens and superfoods on our trips around the world, and set out on a journey to create products from the ingredients we discovered, that would allow you to experience their benefits in seamless additions to your diet.
“This frother has been the ultimate game-changer for me. I use this for everything from lattes, greens powders, and cooking. The stand that comes with it looks great and is perfect for storing.” - Rising Tide Customer
Rising Tide's Story
At Rising Tide, we are a group of outdoor adventure seekers that set out to create products that helped us stay on our game in a fast paced world. We discovered the benefits of adaptogens and superfoods on our trips around the world, and set out on a journey to create products from the ingredients we discovered, that would allow you to experience their benefits in seamless additions to your diet.